

Tractatus de vitis cultura


Viticulture. Chaptal, Jean-Antoine-Claude, comte de Chanteloup (1756-1832) and others. "Tractatus de vitis cultura ... Volumen I. ... II.". Vienna: Degen, 1808. 2 Vol. 8vo. With a total of 21 copperplate engravings and 2 folded tables.

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Chaptal, Jean-Antoine-Claude, comte de Chanteloup

Degen von Elsenau, Josef Vinzenz



Viticulture. Chaptal, Jean-Antoine-Claude, comte de Chanteloup (1756-1832); Rozier, Francois (1734-1793); Parmentier, Antoine Augustin (1737-1813) and Ussieux, Louis d' (1744-1805). "Tractatus de vitis cultura arteque parandi vinum, crematum, spiritum vini, acetum simplex et compositum .... Ex galico latine redditus ... Opera Josephi Voltiggi. Redivit opus adjectisque notis illustravit Ludovicus Mitterpacher ... Volumen I. ... II.". Vienna: Degen, 1808. 2 Volumes. Volumen I.: X (of XIV), 471, (2) pp., foldad table, XII copperplate engravings. OBroch., uncut. Volumen II.: X, (2), 644, (2) pp., folded table, IX copperplate engravings (3 folded). Orig. half-leather binding from the time with title lable and gilding on the spine.

 A treatise on the cultivation and production of wine - 12 plates in the first volume show various types of grapes, 9 plates in the second, technological volume show the equipment for wine production and distillation - Missing double-page of preface in the first volume (pp. V-VIII), otherwise well preserved.

Tags: Viticulture, Winegrowing, Chaptal, Rozier, Parmentier, d'Ussieux, Tractatus de vitis cultura, Vienna, Degen, 1808