Bali. "Lisle Bali". Orig. copper-engraving from W. Lodewijcksz's (also Lodewycksz) "Premier Livre de l'Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales". Published by C. Clesz in Amsterdam, 1598. With title above the map. 14,5:21,5 cm.
Bali (Indonesia). "Contrafaytung der Insel Baly". Orig. copper-engraving by J. T. de Bry, published by M. Becker in Frankfurt a. Main, 1599. With German title above the picture. 14:18 cm.
"Nouveau Plan des Détroits ... de Java et de Madura ... les Détroits de Bali". J. B. d'Apres de Mannevillette, from his "Neptune orientale". Orig. copper-engraving by G. de la Haye. Published in Paris, ca. 1780. With title and explanatory notes...