Poland, Silesia, Russia and the Baltic republics There are 78 items.

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Showing 1 - 50 of 78 items
  • 2 100,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25714

    Grodków. "Grottkau". Orig. copperplate engraving from Zeitgeschichte der Städte Schlesiens, 1819. With engraved title under the picture. 12,5:18 cm (the picture).

    2 100,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 100,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25706
    Flemming, Carl (author)
    Handtke, Friedrich (other authors)

    Caucasus. "Generalkarte vom Kaukasus". Orig. lithography, C. Flemming, Glogau, ca. 1845. Orig. old colouring. With litho. title above the map and explanatory notes. 41,5:62,5 cm (the map).

    2 100,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 900,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25674
    Merian, Matthäus

    Glogow. "Eigentlicher Grundtriß der Statt Gross Glogaw". Orig. copperplate engraving from "Topographia Bohemiae, Moraviae et Silesiae", M. Merian, Frankfurt am Main, 1650. With decorative title-cartouche with explanatory notes (A.-M.) and a coat-of arms....

    900,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25579
    Mercator, Gerardus

    Central Europe. "Germania". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title cartouche. 15:19,5 cm.

    1 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 6 200,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 01340
    Janssonius, Johannes

    Mecklenburg. "Meklenburg Ducatus". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. nach J. Laurenberg von J. Janssonius, um 1635. Mit 3 ausgem. ornamnet. Kart., farb. Wappen u. maritimer Staffage. 37:48 cm.

    6 200,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 03456
    Weigel, Christoph

    Mecklenburg und Pommern. "Des Ober Sächsischen Creißes Nordlicher Theil mit seinen abgetheilten Provintzen". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. (aus Ch. Weigels "Atlas Portatilis", 1720). Mit ornament. Titelkart. und "Erklaerung derer Zeichen". 15,5:19 cm.

    1 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 01205
    Seutter, Matthäus

    Sweden, Finland, St. Petersburg, Estonia. "Nova Mappa Geographica Sueciae ac Gothiae Regna ut et Finlandiae ...". Orig. copperplate engraving, M. Seutter ca. 1730. Orig. old colouring. With heraldical title cartouche. 49,5:57,5 cm.

    7 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 01139
    Homann, Johann Baptist

    Sweden, Finland, St. Petersburg, Estonia. "Regni Sueciae". Orig. copperplate engraving published by J. B. Homann, ca. 1720. Orig. old colouring. With figure title cartouche with a coat of arms. 49:57,5 cm.

    4 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 6 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 08907
    Lotter, Tobias Conrad

    Sweden, Finland, St. Petersburg, Estonia. "Nova Mappa Geographica Sueciae ac Gothiae Regna ut et Finlandiae ...". Orig. copperplate engraving, T. C. Lotter, ca. 1750. Orig. old colouring. With heraldical title cartouche. 50:58 cm.

    6 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 800,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25378
    Schamberg, A.

    Gdańsk. "Der Lange Markt in Danzig". Orig. Lithography, A. Schamberg. Published by A. Rahnke, Elbląg, ca. 1840. With many figures in the foreground and German title under the picture. 15,5:20,5 cm (the picture).

    1 800,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 9 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25375
    Mercator, Gerardus

    Latvia and Estonia. "Livonia". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Mercator, 1589. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche and the scale of map. 36,5:47 cm.

    9 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 8 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 01169
    Schenk, Peter & Valck, Gerard

    Scandinavia. "La Scandinavie et les Environs, ou sont Les Royaumes de Suede, de Danemark et de Norwege ...". Orig. copperplate engraving, P. Schenk, Amsterdam ca. 1700. Original old colouring. 49:59 cm.

    8 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 100,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25130
    Merian, Matthäus

    Kłodzko. "Glatz". Orig. copperplate engraving by M. Merian, ca. 1640. With coat-of-arms and explanatory notes (1-20). 20:32,5 cm (7 3/4 x 12 3/4 inch.).

    2 100,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 100,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 24925
    Merian, Matthäus

    Oleśnica. "Olse". Orig. copper-engraving, M. Merian. From M. Zeiller's "Topographia Bohemiae Moraviae et Silesiae". Published by Merian in Frankfurt am Main, 1650. With engraved title, a coat-of-arms and a cartouche with explanatory notes (1.-18.)....

    2 100,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 6 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 24784
    Schraembl, F. A.

    Bering Strait. "Karte von den N. W. Amerikanischen und N. Oe. Asiatischen Küsten". Orig. copperplate engraving, F. A. Schraembl, Vienna, 1788. Engraved by I. C. Lackner. Coloured in outline. With title at the top. 39,5:68 cm.

    6 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 12 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 24503
    Mercator, Gerardus

    Tartary. "Tartaria". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator - Hondius Atlas, published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam 1630 (first published by J. Hondius, 1606). With ornament. titel cartouche, another 2 cartouches, depiction of the Great Wall of China and several figures in the map. 34:49 cm.

    12 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 3 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 24481
    Merian, Matthäus

    Legnica - Nysa. "Lignitz - Nijß". Orig. copperplate engraving from "Topographia Bohemiae, Moraviae et Silesiae", M. Merian, Frankfurt am Main, 1650. Two views printed from one plate. A panoramatic view of Legnica (10,5:35,5 cm- 4 1/4 x 14 inch.) and a panoramatic...

    3 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 25 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 24267
    Werner, Friedrich Bernhard

    Kaliningrad. "Regius Mons. Königsberg". Orig. copperplate engraving. Engraved by J. G. Ringle (also Ringlin) after F. B. Werner's drawing. Published by M. Engelbrecht in Augsburg, ca. 1740. Magnificent old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche, cartouche with a coat of arms and explanatory notes under the picture. 18:30 cm.

    25 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 9 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 23884
    Seutter, Matthäus

    Monarchs of Brandenburg and the Kings of Prussia (family tree). "Genealogischer Stamm Baum Aller Marggraf. u. Chur Fürsten zu Brandenburg auch des Herzoglichen und nunmehro Königl. Hauss. Preussen Famillien vorstell.". Orig. copperplate engraving, M. Seutter, ca. 1730. Orig. old colouring. With decorative title cartouche with 2 coats of arms and a figure....

    9 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 9 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 22903
    Braun, Georg - Hogenberg, Frans

    Nysa - Legnica. "Nissa Silesior ... - Liginicium". Orig. copper-engraving from the 6th part of Latin ed. of Braun and Hogenberg's "Civitates Orbis Terrarum". Published by A. Hierat in Cologne, 1618. Two panoramic views printed from one desk. 33:45 cm.

    9 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 5 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 22842
    Pluth, C.

    Saint Petersburg. "Plan de la Ville de St. Petersbourg". Orig. copper-engraving, C. Pluth, Prague, 1808. A fortification plan of the city of St. Petersburg with oval title-cartouche. 35:41,5 cm (13 3/4 x 16 1/4 inch.).

    5 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 14307
    Ortelius, Abraham

    Northeast Asia. "Tartaria sive Magni Chami Imperivm". Orig. copper-engraving from the French edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Antwerp by Plantin Press for F. Galle, 1598. With title-cartouche and Latin title above the map. 8:10,5 cm...

    4 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 100,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 09873
    Ortelius, Abraham

    Northeast Asia - Tartary. "Tartaria". Orig. copper-engraving from the Latin edition of A. Ortelius' "Epitome Theatri Orbis Terrarum", published in Antwerp by J. B. Vrienst, 1609. With engraved title in map and Latin heading-title. 8,5:12,5 cm (3 1/2 x 5 inch.).

    2 100,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 00530
    Ortelius, Abraham

    Thuringia and Lusatia. "Turingiae Noviss. Descript." und "Misniae et Lusatiae Tabula". Kol. Kupf.-Ktn., A. Orteluius nach J. Mellinger und B. Scultetus, 1579. Zwei Karten auf 1 Blatt, je. 29,5:21,5 cm (59:43 Platte).

    7 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 22166
    Schenk, Peter & Valck, Gerard

    Northwestern Russia. "Tabula Moscoviae". Original copperplate engraving. Published by P. Schenk in Amsterdam, ca. 1700. Original old colouring. With decorative title cartouche with a coat of arms. 50:61 cm (19 3/4 x 24 inch.).

    7 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 22165
    Seutter, Matthäus

    Northwestern Russia. "Mappae Imperii Moscovitici pars Septentrionalis". Original copperplate after G. de l'Isle's map. Published by Mattheus Seutter, ca. 1740. Original old colouring. With decorative title cartouche with a coat of arms. 50:58 cm (19 3/4 x 22 3/4 inch.).

    7 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 12 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21757
    Veer, Gerrit de

    Kildin Island and Kola Harbor (Russia). "Insula Kildyn. Cola". Orig. copper-engraving from G. de Veer's French edition of 'Diarium Nauticum'. Published by C. Claesz in Amsterdam, 1598. With title in map, a wind-rose, depiction of native people and French comment above the map. 14,5:20,5 cm.

    12 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 15 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21756
    Veer, Gerrit de

    Kola Peninsula (Russia). "Lappia". Orig. copper-engraving from G. de Veer's French edition of 'Diarium Nauticum'. Published by C. Claesz in Amsterdam, 1598. With title in map, 2 wind-roses, ornamental cartouche with depiction of native people, another native people in the map and French comment above the map. 14:20,5 cm.

    15 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 32 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21755
    Veer, Gerrit de

    Novaya Zemlya (Russia). "Caerte van Nova Zembla, de Weygats, de custe van Tartarien ...". Orig. copper-engraving from G. de Veer's French edition of 'Diarium Nauticum'. Published by C. Claesz in Amsterdam, 1598. Engraved by Baptista van Doetecum after G. de Veer's map of the region. With ornamental title-cartouche, 2 wind-roses, the scale of map, 2 ships,...

    32 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 42 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21733
    Blaeu, Willem Janszoon

    Russia. "Tabula Russiae". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634, after H. Gerritsz' map of Russia from 1614. Published by J. and C. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1640. Orig. old colouring. With decorative title-cartouche, inset plan of Moscow and a cartouche with a view of Arkhangelsk. 43:55 cm.

    42 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21602
    Bry, Johann Theodor de

    Yugorsky Strait (Russia). "Abriß der Strassen Nassau, mit aller Gelegenheit". Orig. copper-engraving by J. T. de Bry, published by M. Becker in Frankfurt a. Main, 1599. With German title above the picture. 14:18 cm.

    4 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 800,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21460
    Dietrich, Fryderyk

    Warsaw. "Palazzo della Municipalita in Warsavia". Orig. copper-engraving, published in Florence, 1831. Engraved by A. Verico after F. Dietrich's drawing.

    1 800,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 400,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21459
    Dietrich, Fryderyk

    Warsaw. "Subborgo detto di Cracovia dalla parte della Chiesa di S. Croce in Warsavia". Orig. copper-engraving, published in Florence, 1831. Engraved by A. Verico after F. Dietrich's drawing.

    2 400,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 100,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21304
    Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von

    "Des Herzothums HinterPommern Belgardischer Neustettinischer und Fürstenthumscher Kreis. Nro. 336.". Grenzkol. Kupferstichkarte von F. J. J. von Reilly, Wien, 1791.

    2 100,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 350,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21302
    Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von

    "Des Herzogthums Hinterpommern Saatziger Pyritzischer und Greiffenhagischer Kreis Nro. 335.". Altkol. Kupferstichkarte von F. J. J. von Reilly, Wien, 1791.

    1 350,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 350,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21300
    Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von

    Hinterpommern (Polen). "Des Herzogthums Hinter Pommern Schlawischer und Rummelsburgischer Kreis. Nro. 337.". Altkol. Kupferstichkarte von F. J. J. von Reilly, Wien, 1791.

    1 350,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 30 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21126
    Braun, Georg - Hogenberg, Frans

    Lublin. "Tipus Civitatis Lublinesis in Regno Poloniae ex omnibus partibus Mundi emporio. ter. in Anno celebrari consvetoclrae". Orig. copper-engraving from the 6th part of Latin ed. of Braun and Hogenberg's "Civitates Orbis Terrarum". Published 1618....

    30 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 14 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21099
    Braun, Georg - Hogenberg, Frans

    "Lovicensis Civitas qva est Ariepiscopali Gnasnensis residentia in Masouia". Orig. copper-engraving from the 6th part of Latin ed. of Braun and Hogenberg's "Civitates Orbis Terrarum". Published 1618. With title-cartouche, a blank cartouche and 2...

    14 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 22 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21096
    Braun, Georg - Hogenberg, Frans

    Przemyśl. "Premislia Celebris Russiae Civitas". Orig. copper-engraving from the 6th part of Latin ed. of Braun and Hogenberg's "Civitates Orbis Terrarum". Published 1618. With title-cartouche, 10 other cartouches with the names of city gates and another...

    22 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 750,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21078
    Merian, Matthäus

    Opole. "Oppeln". Orig. copper-engraving, M. Merian. From M. Zeiller's "Topographia Bohemiae Moraviae et Silesiae". Published by Merian in Frankfurt am Main, 1650. With engraved title and a coat-of-arms. 19,5:23,5 cm (7 3/4 x 9 1/4 inch.).

    750,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 20874
    Merian, Matthäus

    Świdnica. "Schweidnitz". Orig. copper-engraving from "Topographia Bohemiae, Moraviae et Silesiae", M. Merian, Frankfurt am Main, 1650. With decorative title-cartouche, a coat-of arms and another cartouche with explanatory notes (a.-u.). 20:35 cm (8 x 13...

    2 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 6 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 20418
    Valck, Gerard

    Russia. "Russia Alba, sive Moscovia". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. and L. Valck, Amsterdam, ca. 1700. Original old colouring. With title above the map. 48,5:59 cm.

    6 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 20367
    Jenkenson, Anthony

    "Russiae moscouiae et tartariae descriptio autore Antonio Jenkensono". Orig. copper-engraving by F. Galle after A. Jenkenson's map of the region. From Galle's "Theatri Orbis Terrarum Enchiridion". Published in Antwerp by C. Plantin for F. Galle,...

    7 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 100,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 19890
    Ortelius, Abraham

    Russia. "Russia". Orig. copper-engraving from the German edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome ("Außzug auß des ... Ortely Theatro Orbis"). Published by L. Hulsius in Frankfurt am Main, 1604. With ornamental title-cartouche and German title ("Moßkau") above...

    2 100,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 19368
    Amman, Jost

    Jost Amman."Mercator Dantiscanus. Ein Herr oder Kauffman zu Dantzig". Orig. wood-block, J. Amman (1539-1591) from the first edition of his work "Habitus praecipuorum populorum, tam virorum quam foeminarum singulari arte depicti. Trachtenbuch...

    4 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 5 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 19356
    Amman, Jost

    Jost Amman."Tataricus Miles. Also gehen die Tattaren in irer Tracht und Rüstung". Orig. wood-block, J. Amman (1539-1591) from the first edition of his work "Habitus praecipuorum populorum, tam virorum quam foeminarum singulari arte depicti....

    5 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 3 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 19044
    Bertius, Petrus

    "Novae Zemlae delineatio". Orig. copper-engraving, P. Bertius, 1616. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1637. With ornamental title-cartouche, a ship, sea-creatures and a wind-rose. 9,5:13,5 cm (3 3/4 x 5 1/4 inch.).

    3 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 3 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 19029
    Bertius, Petrus

    "Delineatio Freti Vaigats". Orig. copper-engraving, P. Bertius, 1616. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1637. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornamental cartouche with the scale of map ("Scala milliariu German."), a ship, a whale and a...

    3 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 5 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 18903
    Amman, Jost

    Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Gdańsk. "Sponsa Dantiscana in Prussia. Ein Braut zu Dantzig in Preussen". Orig. woodblock, J. Amman from the first edition of his "Habitus praecipuorum populorum ... Trachtenbuch ...". Published by H. Weigel in Nuremberg, 1577. 27:17 cm.

    5 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 5 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 18897
    Amman, Jost

    Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Gdańsk. "Ancilla Dantiscana. Ein Dienstmagdt zu Dantzig". Orig. woodblock, J. Amman from the first edition of his "Habitus praecipuorum populorum ... Trachtenbuch ...". Published by H. Weigel in Nuremberg, 1577. 27:17 cm.

    5 000,00 Kč
    For sale
Showing 1 - 50 of 78 items