Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571 in Uitgeest nebo Alkmaar - 1638 in Amsterdam), also abbreviated to Willem Jansz. Blaeu, was a Dutch cartographer, atlas maker and publisher. Along with his son Johannes Blaeu, Willem is considered one of the notable figures of the Netherlandish or Dutch school of cartography during its golden age in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Blaeu was born at Uitgeest or Alkmaar. As the son of a well-to-do herring salesman, he was destined to succeed his father in the trade, but his interests lay more in mathematics and astronomy. Between 1594 and 1596, as a student of the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, he qualified as an instrument and globe maker. During this time in 1596, his son Joan Blaeu was born and he would also become a well established cartographer. Later in 1600 Willem discovered the second ever variable star, now known as P Cygni.
Once he returned to Holland, he made country maps and world globes, and as he possessed his own printing works, he was able to regularly produce country maps in an atlas format, some of which appeared in the Atlas Novus published in 1635. In 1633 he was appointed map-maker of the Dutch East India Company. He was also an editor and published works of Willebrord Snell, Descartes, Adriaan Metius, Roemer Visscher, Gerhard Johann Vossius, Barlaeus, Hugo Grotius, Vondel and the historian and poet Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft. He died in Amsterdam.
He had three sons, Johannes, Cornelis and Willem, who continued their father's mapmaking and publishing business after his death in 1638. Prints of the family's works are still sold today. Original maps are rare collector items.
"Abruzzo Citra, et Ultra". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by P. Schenk and G. Valk in Amsterdam, ca. 1700. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche with 2 coats of arms, a ship and ornamental cartouche with the scale of map ("Milliaria...
"Abruzzo Citra, et Ultra". Orig. copper-engraving, W. J. Blaeu. Published by J. and C. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1642. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche with 2 coats of arms, 2 ships and ornamental cartouche with the scale of map ("Scala...
Southern Africa and Madagascar. "Aethiopia Inferior, vel Exterior". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634. Orig. old colouring. 38:49,5 cm.
Central Africa. "Aethiopia Superior vel Interior; vulgo Abissinorum sive Presbiteri Ioannis Imperium". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634. Orig. old colouring. 38,5:50 cm.
Asia. "Asia noviter delineata". Orig. copper-engraving. W. J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1630. With figure title-cartouche and several ships, animals and sea-creatures. 41:55,5 cm.
Bohemia. "Bohemia". Orig. copper-engraving published by W. J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1630. Orig. old colouring. With coloured ornamental title-cartouche with 2 cherubs, cartouche with explanatory notes ("Notarum Explicatio"), Bohemian Lion in upper right...
"Bressia Vulgo Bresse". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Amsterdam by W. Blaeu, ca. 1640. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche with a coat of arms (blank) and another cartouche with the scale of map ("Milliaria Gallica communia"),...
"Comitatuum Hannoniae et Namurci descriptio". Orig. copper-engraving published in Amsterdam by W. and J. Blaeu, 1635. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title-cartouche with 2 coats-of-arms and a cherub holding the milepost ("Milliaria"). 38:50...
Corsica. "Corsica Insula". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634. Original old colouring. With engraved title. 18:24 cm.
Dauphiné. "Delphinatus vulgo Dauphiné". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1631. Published by W. and J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1641-42. With decorative title-cartouche, ornamet. cart. with the scale of map and cart. with a large coat of arms. 38,5:50 cm.
Denbigh and Flint. "Denbigiensis Comitatus et Comitaus Flintensis. Denbigh at Flintshire". Orig. copper-engraving published in Amsterdam by J. Blaeu, 1645. Original old colouring. With coloured ornamental title-cartouche, figure cartouche with the scale of map,...
Reims - Rethel. "Dioecese de Rheims et le pais de Rethel". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Bůaeu, 1634, after J. Jubrien's map of the region. Published by W. and J. Blaeu, 1644. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title-cartouche with two coats-of-arms. 41:52,5 cm.
Limburg. "Ducatus Limburgum". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634, after A. Martini's map of the region. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1641. Orig. old colouring. With great ornamental title-cartouche wit a coat-of-arms and 2 cherubs, and a cartouche with...
Morocco. "Fezzae et Marocchi regna Africae celeberrima, describebat Abrah: Ortelius". Orig. copper-engraving after A. Ortelius' map of the region. Published by W. J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, ca. 1635. With great figure title-cartouche. 38,5:50 cm.
Fife. "Fifae pars occidentalis. The West part of Fife". Orig. copper-engraving published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1654. Original old colouring. With figure title-cartouche. 42:53,5 cm (16 1/2 x 21 inch.).
Funen. "Fionia vulgo Funen". Orig. copper-engraving, W. J. Blaeu. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, ca. 1640. Orig. old colouring. With figure title cartouche, ornamental cartouche with the scale of map ("Milliaria Germanica communia"), great coat-of-arms and...
Flanders and Zeeland. "Flandria et Zeelandia Comitatus". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche with two cherubs, 2 coats-of-arms, ships and the scale of map. 42:53,5 cm.
East Flanders. "Flandriae Partes duae, quarum altera Proprietaria, altera Imperialis vulgo dicitur". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634. Published in Amsterdam by J. Blaeu, 1640. Orig. old colouring. 41,5:52 cm.
"Fossa Sanctae Mariae, quae et Eugeniana dicitur vulgo de Nieuwe Grift". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. von W. J. Blaeu, 1635. Mit 3 ausgem. fig. u. ornament. Kart., 4 farb. Wappen u. Legende 1-6. 39:51 cm.
Republic of Genoa. "Genovesato. Serenissimae Reipublicae Genuensis ducatus et dominii. Nova descriptio". Orig. copper-engraving, W. J. Blaeu. Engraved by D. Grijp. Published by W. and J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1635. Orig. old colouring. 37:49 cm.
Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil. "Guiana sive Amazonum regio". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1630. Orig. old colouring. With 3 ornamental cartouches, a windrose and several sailing ships. 37,5:49,5 cm (15 x 19 1/2 inch.).
Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil. "Guiana sive Amazonum Regio". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1630. Published by P. Schenk & G. Valck, Amsterdam, ca. 1700. Coloured. 37,5:49,5 cm.
West Africa. "Guinea". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634. Orig. old colouring. With figure title cartouche, a cartouche with coat-of-arms and dedication, 2 black cherubs holding an elephant tusk, many ships and animals. 38,5:52,5 cm.
"Il Bellunese Con il Feltrino". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by P. Schenk and G. Valk in Amsterdam, ca. 1690. Original old colouring. With coloured ornamental title-cartouche with 2 cherbus and another coloured ornamental cartouche with the...
Central America, Antilles (West Indies), the Carribean. "Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali cum Terris adiacentibus". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1634. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title-cartoche...
Ré and Oléron Islands. "Insulae Divi Martini et Uliarus vulgo l'Isle de Ré et Oleron". Orig. copper-engraving, W. and J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1635. Orig. old colouring. With 2 figure cartouches and many ships. 39,5:54 cm (15 1/2 x 21 1/4 inch.).
Greece and Albania. "Macedonia, Epirus et Achaia". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu. Published by W. and J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1640. Original old colouring. With figure title-cartouche, ornamental cartouche with the scale of map and a ship. 41:49,5 cm.
India."Magni Mogolis Imperium". Copper-engraving by W. J. Blaeu published by J. and C. Blaeu, 1644. Original old colouring. With 2 coloured ornamental cartouches, another cartouche with coat-of-arms and dedication (to J. Huydekoper), 2 ships and...
Mechelen and Aerschot. "Mechlinia Dominium et Aerschot Ducatus". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1634 after M. F. Langren's map of the region. Orig. old colouring. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1640. With 3 coloured figure and heraldical cartouches. 41,5:52 cm.
"Mediolanum ducatus". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. von W. Blaeu, (um 1635). Mit 2 ausgem. herald. u. ornament. Kart. 38:49 cm.
"Monasteriensis Episcopat". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. von J. M. Gigas bei W. Blaeu, (1644). Mit 3 ausgem. Rollwerkskart u. zahlr. farb. Gebietswappen. 38:50 cm.
Monferrato. "Montisferrati Ducatus". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by W. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1640. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title-cartouche. 37:48,5 cm.
Namur. "Namurcum Comitatus". Orig. copper-engraving, W. Blaeu, 1640 after J. Surhon's map of the region. Orig. old colouring. With great figure title cartouche with a coat of arms and a cartouche with the scale of map. 41,5:53 cm.
Normandy. "Normandia ducatus". Orig. copperplate engraving. Published by W. J. Blaeu, ca. 1640. Coloured. With title-cartouche held by two cherubs, coat-of-arms, "Milliaria Gallica communia" in lower right corner, ships, sea-creature and windrose. 38:52,5 cm.
Virginia. "Nova Virginiae tabula". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1630. Engraved by D. Grijp after captain J. Smith map. 37,5:48 cm.
Virginia. "Nova Virginiae tabula". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1630. Published by W. and J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1640. Engraved by D. Grijp after captain J. Smith map. Orig. old colouring. 37,5:48 cm.
Perche [left] und Blois [right]. "Perchensis Comitatus. Le Perche Comte. Comitatus Blesensis, Auctore Ioanne Temporio. Blaisois". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, 1631. Orig. old colouring. 39:50,5 cm.
Peru. "Peru". Orig. copper-engraving published by W. Blaeu, ca 1630. Old-colored. With ornamental title cartouche, wind rose, ships and sea-monsters. 38:49,5 cm (15 x 19 1/2 inch.).
Picardy. "Picardia Regio Belgica, Auctore Ioanne Surhonio". Orig. copper-engraving after J. Surhon's map of the region. G. and J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1634. With fig. title cartouche, ornament. cartouche with the scale of map and a great coat-of-arms with 2 cherubs. 38,5:53,5 cm (15 1/4 x 21 inch.).
"Pictaviae ducatus descriptio, Vulgo le Pais de Poictou". Copper-engraving by W. J. Blaeu, published ca. 1650. Coloured. With title in great ornamental border, "Scala Miliarium Gallicorum" in figure cartouche, 2 coats-of-arms, a ship and...
"Polesino di Rovigo". Orig. copper-engraving published by P. Schenk and G. Valk in Amsterdam, ca. 1690. Coloured in outline. With coloured ornamental title-cartouche with the coat-of-arms and another coloured ornamental cartouche with the scale...
Radnorshire. "Radnoria comitatus. Radnor shire". Orig. copperplate engraving published in Amsterdam by J. Blaeu, 1645. Original old colouring. With coloured figure title-cartouche, another figure cartouche with the scale of map and armorials. 38:49,5 cm (15 x 19...
Kingdom of Naples. "Regno di Napoli". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1644. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche. 38:50 cm.
"Regno di Napoli". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1659. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche with a coat-of-arms, 6 sailing ships, the scale of map ("Milliaria Italica"), great coat-of-arms in...
Western part of the Italian Riviera - Riviera di Ponente. "Riviera di Genova da Ponente". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1669. Orig. old colouring. With great figure title cartouche. 38:49,5 cm.
The western part."Riviera di Genova da Ponente". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by J. and C. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1641. Orig. old colouring. With great figure title cartouche with a coat-of-arms and the scale of map ("Scala di quindici miglia...
Rügen. "Rugia Insula ac Ducatus accuratissime descripta". Orig. copper-engraving after E. Lubin's map of the region, published by J. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1662. Orig old colouring. With ornamental and heraldical title-cartouche and 30 coats of arms by the sides. 38,5:50 cm.
"Sardinia Insula". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Amsterdam by W. J. Blaeu, 1635. Orig. old colouring. With title in upper left corner. 18:24 cm (7 3/4 x 9 1/2 inch.).
Sardinia (Italy)."Sardinia Insula". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Amsterdam by W. J. Blaeu, 1635. Orig. old colouring. With title in upper left corner. 18:24 cm (7 3/4 x 9 1/2 inch.).
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. "Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosniacum Dalmatiae parte". Orig. copper-engraving, W. J. Blaeu after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published in Amsterdam by J. Blaeu, 1644. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title-cartouche, 3 coats-of-arms and a...