North Pole (Arctic) There are 4 items.

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items
  • 10 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25531
    Mercator, Gerardus

    North Pole (Arctic). "Polus Arcticus cum vicinis regionibus". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. a J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1607. 13,5:18,5 cm. 13,5:18,5 cm.

    10 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 700,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 24516
    Meyer, Joseph

    North Pole (Arctic). "Neueste Karte vom Nordpol". Orig. steel-engraving. Old coloured. Joseph Meyer, Hildburghausen, ca. 1845. A map of the North Pole in oval. Diameter 29,5 cm.

    2 700,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 6 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 16581
    Weigel, Christoph

    North Pole (Arctic). "Facies Poli Arctici adiacentiumque ei regionum ex recentissimis itinerariis delineata". Orig. copperplate engraving, Ch. Weigel, Nuremberg, 1718. Orig. old colouring. With title in upper corners of the map. 32:36 cm.

    6 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 700,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 11772
    Bellin, Jacques Nicolas

    Arctic Circle."Zusammen gezogene Karte von den Nordlichen Theilen der Erd-kugel zwischen Asien und America". Orig. copper-engraving, J. N. Bellin, dated 1758. Published in Leipzig, ca. 1760. With ornamental title-cartouche and depiction of the...

    2 700,00 Kč
    For sale
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items