Rheinland-Pfalz There are 19 items.

Showing 1 - 19 of 19 items
  • 3 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25385
    Münster, Sebastian

    Speyer. "Nemetum civitatis ... vulgo Spiram". Orig. woodblock from S. Münster's 'Cosmographiae Universalis'. Published by H. Petrus in Basel, 1552. Engraved by Heinrich Holzmüller (monogram 'HHF'). 17:38 printed on on paper sized 30:39 cm.

    3 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 18 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25010
    Werner, Friedrich Bernhard

    Mainz. "Moguntia. Mayntz". Orig. copperplate engraving from 'Ansichten berühmter Städte Europas'. Engraved by A. Gläßer after F. B. Werner's drawing. Published by M. Engelbrecht in Augsburg, ca. 1740. Magnificent old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche, cartouche with a coat of arms and explanatory notes under the picture. 17,5:30 cm (21:30 cm with...

    18 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 6 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 04254
    Albizzi, Antonio

    Munich and Heidelberg. "Bavariae Duces. Et Palatini Rhenenses". Orig. Kupferstich aus Antonio Albizzi (1547-1626) "Principum Christianorum Stemmata". Augsburg, D. Custos, 1612. Zeigt den Stammbaum der Herzoge aus Bayern und Rheinland-Pfalz mit den Ansichten von Heidelberg...

    6 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 21914
    Sommer, A.

    Mainz. "Prospekt der Stadt Maintz". Orig. copper-engraving by A. Somnmer after J. Eder's drawing. Published in Vienna, ca. 1795. With several figures in the foreground and title under the picture. 17:27 cm.

    2 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 12 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 15177
    Janssonius, Johannes

    Mainz. "Moguntia. Maintz". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1657. A birds-eye-view of Mainz. With ornamental title-cartouche, a great coat-of-arms, a cartouche with explanatory notes (1.-28.) and many ships on the Rhine river. 40:51 cm.

    12 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 3 600,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 11571
    Lotter, Tobias Conrad

    "Synopsis Rhenani Inferioris, Sive Electorum Rheni, exhibens Archi-Episcopatum Moguntium, Coloniensem, Trevirensem et Palatinatum Rheni, Comitatus Beilstein, Newenaer, Isenburg Infer. et Reifferscheid- ob oculos posita". Altkol. Kupfer-Karte. bei...

    3 600,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 5 200,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 08679
    Lotter, Tobias Conrad

    "Archiepiscopatus et Electoratus Moguntinus, ut et Comitatus Uterq. Catimelibocens, Wertheimensis Erpacens ... accuratißime delineatae". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. von T. C. Lotter (1717-1777), Augsburg, ca. 1750. Mit gr. herald. und figur. Titelkart....

    5 200,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 6 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 05658
    Janssonius, Johannes

    "Treveris". Orig. Kupeferstich von J. Janssonius nach Braun-Hogenberg aus G. Leti, 1689. Mit Schiffe vorne und dekorativem Titel oben. 16,5:47,5 cm.

    6 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 800,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 03645
    Quad, M.

    "Trier". Kupf.-Kte. von M. Quad bei J. Bussemacher, Köln, 1596. Mit ornament. Titelkart. oben, Porträt mit Umschrift: "Ioannes D. G. archieepiscopus Trevirensis S. Rom. Imp. Elect. per Gal. et Arel. Archican." und Meilenzeiger unten rechts....

    4 800,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 800,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 03639
    Quad, M.

    "Florentissimus Rheni Palatinatus". Kupf.-Kte. von M. Quad bei J. Bussemacher, Köln: 1597. Mit ornament. Titelkart unten rechts, Meilenzeiger mit Datierung (1592) unten links, gr. Wappen oben rechts unt Porträt in ornamet. Kart. oben links....

    4 800,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 03423

    "Teutschlands Nieder Rheinischer Creiss mit seinen abgetheilten Provintzen". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. (aus Ch. Weigels "Atlas Portatilis", 1720). Mit ornament. Titelkart., "Clavis" oben rechts und "Gemeine Teutsche Meillen deren ..." unten rechts....

    1 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 8 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 03250
    Merian, Matthäus

    Kaiserslautern. "KeisersLautern". Orig. copper-engraving, M. Merian, 1645. With several figures in the foreground and a coat-of-arms. 22:34,5 cm (8 3/4 x 13 1/2 inch.).

    8 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 200,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 03244
    Merian, Matthäus

    Alzey. "Altzey". Orig. Kupferstich, M. Merian, um 1640. Mit gest. Titel, Figuren forne und Wappen. 23:36,5.

    4 200,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 1 800,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 02454
    Merian, Matthäus

    Frankenthal (Pfalz). "Franckenthal". Original copperplate engraving, M. Merian, ca. 1635. Birds-eye-view of the city. With explanatory notes (1-20). 22,5:25,5 cm (9 x 10 inch.).

    1 800,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 01953
    Bodenehr, Gabriel

    "Trier". View of the city over the Mosel river. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With explanations. 16:29,5 cm.

    4 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 12 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 01062
    Braun & Hogenberg

    "Sarburg - Paltz". Panoramatic view of the city of Saarburg with another view of Pfalzel (the suburb of the city of Trier) below. Coloured copper-engraving from Braun & Hogenberg, ca. 1580. With 2 ornamental carouches.

    12 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 10 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 00504
    Serarius, Nicolaus

    Mainz. "Mogontia Metropolis. Anno Dom. 1604". Orig. copperplate engraving from: N. Serarius, 'Mogunticarum Rerum', Mainz, B. Lippius, 1604. With engraved title, 3 coats of arms and explanatory notes. 18,5:46 cm.

    10 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 4 200,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 00478
    Merian, Matthäus

    Worms. "Wormatia. Wormbs". Orig. Kupferstich, M. Merian, 1645. 21:68,5 cm.

    4 200,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 11 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 00416
    Homann, Johann Baptist

    Mainz. "Plan du Mayence - Accurater Plan der ... Stadt Maynz". Orig. copperplate engraving. Published by Homann Heirs in Nuremberg, ca. 1735. Orig. old colouring. 58:48 cm.

    11 000,00 Kč
    For sale
Showing 1 - 19 of 19 items