Gabriel Bodenehr the Elder (1664 in Augsburg - 1758 ibid. or 1673 - 1765) was a German publisher, cartographer and engraver who created city views of numerous German cities.
Monaco. "Abriss der Dreijen gegeneinander Correspondierenden Vestungen Monaco, Capo di Sant Spirito und Niza di Provenza". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published in Augsburg ca. 1720. With title in decorative border, another...
Eichstätt. "Aichstaedt". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title, 2 coats of arms and explanatory notes on the sides. 16,5:43,5 cm.
Augsburg. "Augspurg". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title and explanatory notes on the sides. 16:60 cm.
"Bensheim In der Berg Strass". View of the city. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With explanations and small coat-of-arms. 15,5:36 cm.
Béthune. "Bethune In der Graffschaft Artois". Orig. copperplate engraving by G. Bodenehr, 1720. With title cartouche and explanatory notes with accompanying text under the picture. 16:50 cm.
"Bienna. Biel". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), Augsburg, 1712. With engraved titel with a coat-of-arms, 2 figures in the foreground, city of Nidau in the background and notes on the sides. 15:37,5 cm (6 x 14 3/4 inch.).
"Brandenburga". View of the city of Ushakovo (former Brandenburg in east Prussia). "Frich Haff" (harbor) in front with many ships. Explanatory notes on the left side next to the picture. Copper-engraving published by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), ca....
"Cagliari oder Calaris die Haupt und Residenz Statt des Vice Königs in Sardinien". View of the city on Sardinia. Copper plate engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), printed ca. 1710. With explanations. 15:31 cm.
"Cambray oder Cammerich". Panoramatic view of the city. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With explanations. 13:37,5 cm.
Karlovy Vary. "Carlsbad Kayser Carlsbad oder Thermae Carolinae". Původní mědirytina, G. Bodenehr. Vyd. G. Ch. Kilian v Augsburku, ca. 1700. S rytým titulem, kartuší s vysvětlivkami (A.-Q.) a popisem pod obrázkem. 18:28 cm.
The World."Carta Hydrohraphica oder Algemeine Welt und Commercien Carte". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758) in Augsburg, ca. 1720. Orig. old colouring. With title and description of the oceans and seas in decorative...
Cham. "Chamb in der oberen Pfaltz". View of the city of Cham in the Upper Pfalz . Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With explanations and small coat-of-arms. 16,5:50,5 cm.
"Charle-Roy In der Grafschafft Namur". Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), ca. 1720. With great ornamental border with coat-of-arms (not filled out) and explanatory notes below the picture. 15:19,5 cm (6 x 7 3/4 inch.).
Coburg. "Coburg". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title and explanatory notes. 16,5:44,5 cm.
"Cortryck oder Courtray". View of the city. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With explanatory notes below the picture. 17,5:27,5 cm (6.9 x 10.8 inch.).
Kraków. "Cracau die Fürnehmbste Haupt Stadt in Polen". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr (1673-1765), ca. 1720. A panoramic view of the city with explanatory notes by the sides. 15,5:39 cm.
Gdańsk. "Dantzig. Die Hauptstatt In Dem Koniglich Polnischen Preussen". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), Augsburg, ca. 1720. With engraved title, eaxplanatory notes (a.-h.) and text by the sides. 16:41 cm (6 1/4 x 16 1/4 inch.).
"Darmstatt. Die Hoch Fürstl. Hessische Residentz". Kupferstich von G. Bodenehr (1673-1765), um 1720. Gesamtansicht der Stadt mit Legende bei der Seite und mit 2 Wappen. 15,5:36 cm.
Bohus Fortress (Baahus). "Das Schloss Bahus In Norwegen". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published in Augsburg ca. 1720. With German engraved title in a decorative border and explanatory notes below the picture ("Ein festes Berg-Schloss in der...
The World. "Der Neuen Welt Begriff. Bestehend in 2 Haubt Theilen als Nord America und Sud America. Der Alte Welt Begriff bestehend in 3 Haubt Theilen als Africa, Europa, Asia". Orig., old coloured copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758),...
Füssen. "Die Bischofflich Augspurgische Statt Füessen". View of the city. Orig. copperplate engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With small coat-of-arms (blind) and explanatory notes. 16,5:39 cm.
Neuburg an der Donau. "Die Chur-Pfaeltzische Haupt ... Statt Neuburg an der Donaw". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title and explanatory notes on the sides. 17,5:41,5 cm.
"Die Franckfurther Brücke über den Mayn gegen Oosten anzusehen". Kupferstich von G. Bodenehr (1673-1765), um 1720. Ansicht von Frankfurt. 16:34 cm.
"Die Grafschafft Namur Nach dero Eigendlichen Lager". Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr, published in Augsburg, 1710. Map is surrounded with decorative border with ornamental title-cartouche and coat-of-arms. 15,5:20 cm.
Stockholm. "Die Königl: Schwedische Haupt u. Ressidenz Stadt Stockholm". Orig. copperplate engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published in Augsburg ca. 1720. With German title in decorative cartouche. 17:50 cm.
Augsburg-Lechhausen. "Die Lech-Brücke bey Augspurg, erster Paß in Bayern". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title, many figures and Lechhausen in the background. 17,5:28,5 cm.
Spain - Portugal. "Die Süd-West Cüste von Gallicien". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr, published in Augsburg, ca. 1710. Original old colouring in outline. With ornamental title cartouche, another 2 ornamental cartouches, 2 coats-of-arms, small view of the...
Dinant. "Dinant Im Bisthum Lüttich". Orig. copperplate engraving by G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved titel and explanatory notes on the left. 16:33,5 cm.
"Eschwege". Panoramatic view of the city. Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), ca. 1720. With small coat-of-arms and great ornamental border with plain coat-of-arms. 15,5:19,5 cm.
Esslingen. "Eslingen Eine dess Heyl: Röm: Reichs Freye Statt im Würtenberger Land am Neckar". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title, 2 coats of arms and explanatory notes on the left. 15,5:35 cm.
Messina, Reggio. Strait of Messina. "Faro di Messina oder Die Meer-Enge Zwischen Calabrien und Sicilien". Orig. copperplate engraving. Engraved and published by G. Bodenehr in Augsburg, ca. 1720. With decorative title-cartouche, depiction of Etna volcano and many ships in the foreground. 15:19,5 cm.
Forchheim. "Forchheim Eine Bischofflich Bambergische Statt und Vestung in Francken". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title, a coat of arms and explanatory notes on the sides. 15,5:36 cm.
Freidberg. "Friedberg in Ober Bayern Bey 1 1/2 Stunden von Augsburg gelegen". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title, a coat of arms and explanatory notes. 16:30 cm.
Geislingen an der Steige. "Geislingen Ein Staettlein Ulmer Gebieths". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title, 2 coats of arms and explanatory notes on the left. 16:31 cm.
"Geldern Die Haupt Statt des Hertzogthums gleiches Nahmens". Panoramatic view of the city. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With explanations. 16:38,5 cm.
"Geneve Genff". View of the city. Copper plate engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), printed ca. 1710. With small coat-of-arms and explanations. 14,5:40,5 cm.
The Hague. "Graven-Haag". Orig. copper-engraving, G. Bodenehr, Augsburg, ca. 1720. With decorative title and explanatory notes under the picture. 9,5:26 cm.
"Heppenheim an der Berg Strass". View of the city with the Starkenburg castle. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With small coat-of-arms and explanations. 16:34 cm.
Hildesheim. "Hildesheim". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, ca. 1720. With decorative title and explanatory notes. 17:39,5 cm.
Höchstädt an der Donau. "Höchstaedt. Eine Pfaltz Neuburgische Statt und Schloss an der Donau". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title, a coat of arms and explanatory notes under the picture. 16:32,5 cm.
"Huy Im Bisthum Lüttich". View of the city over the Meuse river. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published ca. 1720. With explanations. 15,5:38,5 cm.
"Iena. Eine dero Hohen-Schuel oder Universitaet halber weitberühmte Statt, in Thüringen". Kupferstich von G. Bodenehr, um 1720. Gesamtansicht der Stadt mit Wappen (nicht ausgefühlt) und Legende bei der Seite. 16:33 cm.
Ingolstadt. "Ingolstatt so Ao.1632 von dem Könige aus Schweden Vergeblich angegriffen worden". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved titel. 16,5:34,5 cm.
Sardinia (Italy)."Insul und Konigreich Sardinien". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by G. Bodenehr, Augsburg, ca. 1710. Original old colouring. With floral cartouche and explanatory notes by the sides (with ornamental title-cartouche, a...
"Insul und Konigreich Sardinien". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by G. Bodenehr, Augsburg, ca. 1710. Original old colouring. With floral cartouche and explanatory notes by the sides (with ornamental title-cartouche, a cartouche with the scale...
Madrid. "IV. Unterschiedene Prospect von Madrid". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published in Augsburg ca. 1720. With decorative title-cartouche. 4 views of famous Madrid places ("Buonretiro. Ein Konigliches Lufthaus bey Madrid", "Die...
Château de Lichtenberg. "Liechtenberg Ein vestes Graeflich Hanawisches Schlos im Elsas". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, Augsburg, ca. 1710. With title in the desk and explanatory notes on the left. 16:22,5 cm.
"Loretto oder Lauretum eine befestige Stadt ... in der Marca d'Ancona". Copper plate engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), printed ca. 1710. 17,5:28,5 cm.
Lübeck. "Lübeck". Kupferstich von G. Bodenehr, um 1720. Gesamtansicht der Stadt mit Erklärungen links. 13:37 cm.
Marseille. "Marseille oder Marsilien, in dem Gouvernement Provence gelegen". Orig. copperplate engraving by G. Bodenehr, 1720. With engraved title and accompanying text on the left. 14,5:35,5 cm.