Cape Verde Islands. "Carte des Isles du Cap-Verd". Orig. copperplate engraving from J. B. d'Apres de Mannevillette, "Neptune orientale", Paris, 1774. Engraved by G.-N. Delahaye. 48:33,5 cm.
Mediterranean islands. "Insularum aliquot Maris Mediterranei descriptio". Orig copperplate engraving, A. Ortelius, 1570. Orig. old colouring. With decorative title-cartouche. 36:47,5 cm.
Morocco and Canary Islands. "Statuum Maroccanorum Regnorum". Orig. copper-engraving, J. B. Homann, 1728 in Nuremberg. Original old colouring. With great figure title cartouche and views of Marrakesh and Méknes (each one 11:27 cm) at the bottom. 48,5:56 cm.
Canary Islands, Madeira. "Insulae Canariae, olim Fortunatae Dictae". Orig. copperplate engraving. Published by Schenk & Valk, Amsterdam, ca. 1690. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche and a cartouche with the scale of map. 42,5:53 cm.
Canary Islands, Madeira. "Insulae Canariae, olim Fortunatae Dictae". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1656. Original old coloring. With two colored figure-cartouches, windrose and 3 ships. 42,5:53 cm.
Cape Verde Islands. "Insulae de Cabo Verde olim Hesperides, sive Gorgades: Belgice de Zoute Eylanden". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. Janssonius. Published in Amsterdam by G. Valk & P. Schenk, ca. 1700. Orig. old colouring. 43:54,5 cm.
Cape Verde (Cabo Verde). "Isles du Cap Verd. Hispanis Islas de Cabo Verde. Belgis e Soute Eylanden". Orig. coper-engraving, Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, ca. 1730. Orig old colouring. With ornamental title-cartouche, another cartouche with the scale of map and a compass rose. 38:49,5 cm.
Saint Helena. "S Helena". Orig. copper-engraving from W. Lodewijcksz's (also Lodewycksz) "Premier Livre de l'Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales". Published by C. Clesz in Amsterdam, 1598. With engraved title in map. 14,5:21 cm.
Island of Mozambique."Insulae & Ars Mosambique". Orig. copper-engraving by P. Kaerius. Published by C. J. Visscher in Amsterdam, 1649 (in Tabulae Geographicae Contrare). With ornamental title-cartouche, 2 ships and a boat. 9:12,5 cm (3 1/2 x 5...
Madagascar. "Insula de S. Laurentii". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. T. de Bry after J. H. van Linschoten's map of the region. Published by M. Becker in Frankfurt a. Main, 1599. With German title above the map. 14:19,5 cm.
Island of Mozambique. "Insulae et arcis Mocambique deschriptio ad fines Melinde sitae ... Egentliche suhrbildung der Insel Sampt dem Schloss Mosambique So da liget am gestaden Melinde mit dern gelegenheit". Orig. copper-engraving by J. T. de Bry based on J. H. van Linschoten's travels to the Far East. Published by M. Becker in Frankfurt a. Main, 1613.
Saint Helena. "Insula D. Helenae sacra ... S. Helena ist eine Insel ...". Orig. copper-engraving by J. T. de Bry, published by M. Becker in Frankfurt a. Main, 1613. With ornamental title cartouche with Lat.-Ger. title, a coat-of-arms, a wind-rose and many ships in the foreground. 21,5:29 cm.
St. Thomas (Gulf of Guinea)."Insulae St. Thomae". Orig. copper-engraving, P. Bertius, 1616. Published by J. Hondius Jr. in Amsterdam, 1616/18. With lat. title above the map ("Descriptio Insulae S. Thomae"), ornamental title-cartouche, a ship, a...
Island of Mozambique (Mozambique)."Insulae & Ars Mosambique". Orig. copper-engraving by P. Kaerius. Published by C. J. Visscher in Amsterdam, 1649 (in Tabulae Geographicae Contrare). With ornamental title-cartouche, 2 ships and a boat. 9:12,5 cm...
St. Thomas (Gulf of Guinea)."Ins. Sti. Thome". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by C. J. Visscher in Amsterdam, 1649 (in Tabulae Geographicae Contrare). With title in map and 2 inset views: "Facies Insulae Annobon ..." (2:3,5 cm) and "Facies...
Cape Verde Islands."Insulae Capitis Viridis". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by C. J. Visscher in Amsterdam, 1649 (in Tabulae Geographicae Contrare). With ornamental title-cartouche, a ship and a sea-creature. 9:12,5 cm (3 1/2 x 5 inch.).
Cape Verde Islands."Insulae Capitis Viridis". Copper-engraving by P. Bertius published by J. Hondius, 1616-18. With small ornamental cartouche and "Milliaria Germanica". 9,2:13 cm.