Sicily and Sardina. "Regnorum Siciliae et Sardiniae nec non Melitae seu Maltae Insulae ...". Original copper-engraving, J. B. Homann, ca. 1720. Original old colouring. With great figure title cartouche with 2 coats-of-arms, a cartouche with inset plan of Catania with Mt. Etna in the background, another cartouche with inset fotification plan of Valletta....
Southern Italy. "Continentis Italiae ... Regnum Neapolitanum ... Sicilia ... Malta Insula". Orig. copperplate engraving, P. Schenk, Amsterdam, 1703. Orig. old colouring. With decorative title cartouche with 4 coats of ams and depiction of Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. Aetna errupting and inset map of Malta and Gozo islands. 58:49 cm.