Jost Amman. "Mulier Iuvenis Brabantica. Ein Weib auß Brabandt". rig. woodcut, J. Amman from the first edition of his work 'Habitus praecipuorum populorum ...'. Published by H. Weigel in Nuremberg, 1577. 23,5:17 cm.
Brabant. "Brabantiae Ducatus". Orig. copperplate engraving, P. Kaerius (van der Keere). Published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche. 15:20,5 cm.
South Brabant. "Delineatio Partis Brabantiae, ...". Orig. copperplate engraving, P. Schenk, Amsterdam, ca. 1700. Orig. old colouring. With title above the map. 49:58 cm.
Duchy of Brabant. "Brabantia". Orig. copper-engraving from the Latin edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Antwerp by J. B. Vrienst, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche, the scale of map ("Milliaria Brabantica") and Latin title ("Brabantiae Dvcatvs")...
"Ducatus Brabantiae Nova Tabula in qua Lovanii Bruxellarum March S. Imperii Sylvaeducis et Mechliniae Dominia". Original copper plate engraving by Johann Babtist Homann, printed ca. 1720. Original old colouring. With figure title cartouche with...
"Brabantia. Le Duche de Brabant". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor published by J. Hondius, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche with "Milliar. Germanica" and Fr. heading title. 15:19,5 cm (6 x 7 3/4 inch.).
Brabant. "Le Brabant Espagnol qui comprend Les Quartiers de Brusselles, de Louvain, et partie de celuy d'Anvers". Orig. copperplate engraving, N. Sanson. Published by A.-H. Jailot in Paris, 1674. Orig. old coloring. With 2 ornamental cartouches. 43:57 cm.
"Prima pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium". Orig. copper-engraving after M. F. van Langren's map of the region. Published by W. Blaeu in Amsterdam, 1640. With heraldic title-cartouche, figure cartouche with the scale of map ("Variae huius...
Brabant. "Brabantiae Ducatus cum adjacentibus Provinciis". Copper-engraving by M. Seutter. Published in Augsburg, ca. 1740. Original old colouring. With ornamental and heraldical title-cartouche and small cartouche with "Milliaria Germanica ... Gallica...
"Brabantia Ducatus". Orig. Kupf.-Kte. (von M. Merian), um 1650. Mit Titelkart. und Wappen. 25,5:33 cm.
Brabant. "Brabantiae, Germaniae Inferioris nobilissimae provinciae descriptio". Orig. copper-engraving after the map by J. van Deventer. By A. Ortelius, 1570. Original old colouring. With great ornamental title-cartouche with a coat-of-arms. 36,5:50 cm...
"Ducatus Brabantiae tabula". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte von J. Danckerts, (um 1700). Mit ausgem. fig. u. herald. Kart. 57:50 cm.