America (continent) There are 11 items.

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items
  • 9 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25530
    Janssonius, Johannes (author)
    Goos, Abraham (other authors)

    America. "Americae Descriptio". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648. With ornamental title cartouche with the scale of map. 14,5:20 cm.

    9 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 200,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 25529
    Mercator, Gerardus

    America. "Americae Descrip.". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title cartouche with the scale of map. 15:19,5 cm.

    7 200,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 8 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 24859
    Probst, Johann Michael

    America. "America verlegt von Ioh. Mich. Probst". Orig. copperplate engraving. Published by J. M. Probst in Augsburg, ca. 1785. Orig. old colouring. 18,5:23,5 cm.

    8 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 21 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 23662
    Merian, Matthäus

    America. "America noviter delineata". Orig. copperplate engraving, M. Merian, 1638 after J. Hondius map of America. With ornamental title cartouche, many ships and sea-creatures and 2 inset maps (Greenland and Iceland; Antarctica - South Pole). 35,5:45 cm.

    21 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 15 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 23659
    Homann Heirs

    America. "Americae Mappa generalis". Orig. copper-engraving after A. G. Boehm drawing. Published by Homann Heirs in Nuremberg, 1746. Orig. old colouring. With great figure title cartouche. 47:54,5 cm (18 1/2 x 21 1/2 inch.).

    15 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 16 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 23661
    Merian, Matthäus

    America. "America noviter delineata". Orig. copperplate engraving, M. Merian, 1638. With ornamental title cartouche, 2 ships and inset map of Greenland and Iceland. 28:36 cm.

    16 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 24 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 23660
    Münster, Sebastian

    America. "Americae sive Novi Orbis, nova descriptio". Orig. woodblock, 1588 from S. Munster's Cosmographey. Published in Basel by S. Petri, 1614. With decorative title-cartouche, a cartouche with explanatory notes and German title ("Die newen Inseln ...") above the map. 31:36,5 cm.

    24 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 500,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 10596
    Duval, Pierre

    America. "America". Orig. copperplate engraving, P. Duval, 'Geographiae Universalis', J. Hoffman, Nuremberg, 1679. Original old colouring. With decorative title-cartouche. 10,5:13 cm.

    7 500,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 18 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 15714
    Walch, Johannes

    America."L'Amerique selon l'Etendue de Ses Principales Parties et don't les Points Principaux sont placez sur les dernieres Observations des Geographes, publieé par Jean Walch: se vend au negoce de Martin Will a Augsbourg". Orig....

    18 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 7 000,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 19623
    Ortelius, Abraham

    America. "America". Orig. copper-engraving from the German edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Frankfurt am Main by L. Hulsius (Hulst), 1604. With ornamental title-cartouche, a ship, two sea-creatures, ornamental corners and printed...

    7 000,00 Kč
    For sale
  • 2 400,00 Kč For sale
    Catalog No.: 20262
    Cluver, Philip

    America."Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula Generalis". Orig. copper-engraving from P. Cluver's "Introductionis in Universam Geographicam". Published in Amsterdam by Elzevier Press, 1659. With ornamental title-cartouches. 12:12,5 cm (4 3/4...

    2 400,00 Kč
    For sale
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items