Aragon and Catalonia. "Arragonia et Catalonia". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. Hondius, 1606. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche. 34,5:48,5 cm.
Morocco and the Canary Islands. "Fessae et Marocchi Regna". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. Hondius, 1606. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche. 35,5:48 cm.
Andalusia. "Andaluziae Nova Descript.". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. Hondius, 1606. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche and another cartouche with the scale of map. 35,5:50,5 cm.
Catalonia. "Cataloniae Principatus Descrtiptio Nova". Orig. copperplate engraving, H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche and another cartouche with the scale of map. 38,5:48,5 cm.
Kingdom of Valencia. "Valentia Regnum". Orig. copperplate engraving, W. J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1634. 38:50 cm.
Portugal. "Portugalliae et Algarbiae Regna". Orig. copperplate engraving, M. Seutter, Augsburg, ca. 1730. Original old colouring. With great ornamental title-cartouche with figures, coats-of-arms, ships and inset map of Brazil. 49,5:57,5 cm.
Canary Islands, Madeira. "Insulae Canariae, olim Fortunatae Dictae". Orig. copperplate engraving. Published by Schenk & Valk, Amsterdam, ca. 1690. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche and a cartouche with the scale of map. 42,5:53 cm.
Extremadura. "Estremadura". Orig. copper-engraving from P. Bertius' "Tabulae Geographicae ...". Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius Jr., 1616/18. With ornamental title-cartouche and Latin title above the map. 10:14 cm.
Portugal. "Portugallia". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by C. J. Visscher in Amsterdam, 1649 (in Tabulae Geographicae Contrare). With ornamental title-cartouche. 8,5:12,5 cm.
Kingdom of Valencia. "Valentia". Orig. copper-engraving from P. Bertius' "Tabulae Geographicae ...". Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius Jr., 1616/18. With ornamental title-cartouche and Latin title ("Descriptio Valnetiae in Hisp.") above the map. 9,5:13,5 cm.
Spain. "Hispania ex Archetypo Roderici Mendez Sylva". Orig. copper-engraving after R. Mendez Silva (1607-1675) map of Spain. Engraved by G. de l'Isle. Published in Augsburg by M. Seutter, ca. 1730. Orig. old colouring. With great figure title-cartouche...
Gibraltar. "Castellum Gibraltar in Andalusia ...". Orig. copperplate engraving, T. C. Lotter (1717-1777), Augsburg, ca. 1750. Orig. old colouring. With figure title-cartouche, 2 wind-roses and Fr.-Ger. explanatory notes. 49:58,5 cm (19 1/4 x 23 inch.).
"Tercera". Orig. copper-engraving from P. Bertius' "Tabulae Geographicae ...". Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius Jr., 1616/18. With ornamental title-cartouche, a cartouche with the scale of map ("Milliaria"), a wind-rose, a ship, a...
Kingdom of Valencia. "Valentiae Regnum". Orig. copper-engraving from the German edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome ("Außzug auß des ... Ortely Theatro Orbis"). Published by L. Hulsius in Frankfurt am Main, 1604. With ornamental title-cartouche, the scale of map...
"Tercera". Orig. copper-engraving by P. Kaerius. Published by C. J. Visscher in Amsterdam, 1649 (in Tabulae Geographicae Contrare). With title im map, scale of map ("Miliaria"), a ship and a sea-creature. 8,5:12,5 cm (3 1/4 x 5 inch.).
Cádiz. "Gades". Orig. copper-engraving from the Latin edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome. Published by J. B. Vrients in Antwerp, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche, another cartouche with the scale of map ("Milliare Hispanicum"), a sailing ship, 4...
Terceira (Azores). "Tercera". Orig. copper-engraving from the German edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Frankfurt am Main by L. Hulsius (Hulst), 1604. With ornamental title-cartouche, another cartouche with the scale of map ("Scala Milliarium"), a ship,...
El Escorial. "Scenographia totivs fabricae S. Lavrentii in Escoriali". Orig. copper-engraving from the Latin edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Antwerp by J. B. Vrienst, 1609. With title above the picture. 8,5:12,5 cm (3 1/4 x 5 inch.).
Cádiz. "Baia de Cadiz". Orig. copper-engraving from the French edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Antwerp by Plantin Press for F. Galle, 1598. With title upper right, scale of map ("Scala milliarium"), several ships and French title ("Gades")...
Andalusia. "Andaluzia". Orig. copper-engraving from the French edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Antwerp by Plantin Press for F. Galle, 1598. With title in upper left corner, scale of map ("Leucae Hispanice") and Latin title above the map....
Portugal. "Portugallia". Orig. copper-engraving from the French edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Antwerp by Plantin Press for F. Galle, 1598. With title-cartouche and Latin title above the map. 8:11 cm (3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch.).
Bourgoing, Jean Francois(1748-1811). "Atlas pour servir au tableau de l'Espagne moderne". Paris: Tourneisen fils, 1807. 4to. (4) pp. and XXVIII copper plates (6 of them folded). Orig. brochure.
"Roses, Ville forte d'Espagne du Paiis de Lampourdan dans la Province de Catalogne". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Paris by N. de Fer, ca. 1695. With decorative title-cartouche and the scale of map. 18,5:28,5 cm (7 1/4 x 11 1/4 inch.).
"Isle, Ville et Port de Cadis". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Paris by N. de Fer, ca. 1695. With ornamental title-cartouche and the scale of map. 21:28,5 cm (8 1/4 x 11 1/4 inch.).
"Puicerda". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Paris by N. de Fer, ca. 1695. With title-cartouche. 17,5:23 cm (7 x 9 inch.).
"Veue, ou Profil de Barcelone, Capitale de Catalogne". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Paris by N. de Fer, ca. 1695. With engraved title, explanatory notes (1.-23.) below the picture and ships. 9,5:29,5 cm (3 3/4 x 11 3/4 inch.).
"Accurater Grundris der Koenigl. Spanischen Haupt und Residentz Stadt Madrit". Orig. copper-engraving, J. B. Homann. Published by Homann Heirs in Nürnberg, ca. 1730. Orig. old colouring. With title above, a figure cartouche with the scale of...
Gibraltar, Cádiz, Ceuta. "Carte nouvelle de L'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar". Orig. copperplate engraving by R. A. Schneider after J. de Petit's map. Issued by J. F. Weidler. Published by Homann's Heirs, 1756. 57:48,5 cm.
Terceira (Azores). "Terçera.". Orig. copper-engraving from the French edition of A. Ortelius' "Epitome du Theatre du Monde", published in Antwerp by Plantin, 1598. With engraved title, a cartouche with the scale of map ("Milliaria"), Latin heading-title, 2 ships...
Castile. "Castiliae Veteris et Nova descriptio. Anno 1606". Orig. copperplate engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche with a coat-of-arms. 36:50 cm.
"Le Royaume de Portugal et Algarve". Orig. copper-engraving. Published by D. de la Feuille, 1703. With engraved title, 2 coats-of-arms and ornamental cartouche with the scale of map. The map is surrounded by 13 fortifications plans of main...
"Portugallia et Algarve". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published in Amsteradam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With ornamental title-cartouche, decorative cartouche with the scale of map ("Scala leucae Hispanicarum") and...
"Biscaia et Legio". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1607. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornamental cartouche with the scale of map ("Leucae...
Spain. "Hispania nova Descript.". Orig. copperplate engraving by P. van den Keere (Kaerius). Published in Amsteradam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With ornamental title cartouche. 13,5:19,5 cm.
Portugal. "Portugalliae Regnum". Orig. copperplate engraving from G. Magini's 'Geographiae Universae'. Engraved by G. Porro. Published by P. Keschedt in Cologne, 1597. 13,5:17,5 cm.
"Partie Septentrionale de la Couronne de Castille ou se trouvent les Royaumes de Castille Vieille de Leon, de Gallice, des Asturies, la Biscaye et la Navarre, en Partie". Orig. copper-engraving published by G. Robert de Vaugondy, 1752. With great...
Spain - Portugal. "Die Süd-West Cüste von Gallicien". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr, published in Augsburg, ca. 1710. Original old colouring in outline. With ornamental title cartouche, another 2 ornamental cartouches, 2 coats-of-arms, small view of the...
Madrid. "IV. Unterschiedene Prospect von Madrid". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), published in Augsburg ca. 1720. With decorative title-cartouche. 4 views of famous Madrid places ("Buonretiro. Ein Konigliches Lufthaus bey Madrid", "Die...
Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Spain. "Hispanus Plebeius in quotidiano habitu. Also gehet der gemeine Mann in Hispanien". Orig. woodblock, J. Amman from the first edition of his "Habitus praecipuorum populorum ... Trachtenbuch ...". Published by H. Weigel in Nuremberg, 1577. 30,5:20 cm.
Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Spain. "Mulier Hispanica. Ein Weib auß Hispanien". Orig. woodblock, J. Amman from the first edition of his work "Habitus praecipuorum populorum ... Trachtenbuch ...". Published by H. Weigel in Nuremberg, 1577. Magnificent old colouring. 30,5:20 cm.
Amman, Jost (1539-1591). Spain. "Hispana Mulier Plebeia. Also gehen die gemeine Weiber in Hispanien". Orig. woodblock, J. Amman from the first edition of his "Habitus praecipuorum populorum ... Trachtenbuch ...". Published by H. Weigel in Nuremberg, 1577. 30,5:20 cm.
"Barcelona, die Haupt Statt in Catalonien". Orig. copper-engraving by J. Stridbeck (1665-1714), published by G. Bodenehr in Augsburg, ca. 1710. With decorative title, explanatory notes (A-Z) and many ships. 17:50,5 cm (6 3/4 x 20 inch.).
"Portugallia olim Lusitania". Orig. copper-engraving from Meractor's Atlas Minor published by J. Hondius (with C. Claessius and J. Janssonius) in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornament. cartouche with "Hispanicae...
"Castilia Vetus et Nova". Orig. copper-engraving from Meractor's Atlas Minor published by J. Hondius (with C. Claessius and J. Janssonius) in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornament. cartouche with "Miliaria Germanica....
"Castilia Vetus et Nova". Orig. copper-engraving from Atlas Minor published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, German heading-title ("Von alt vnd new Castilien") and another ornamental cartouche with "Scala...
Portugal. "Parte Meridional do Reyno de Portugal". Orig. copperplate engraving, N. Sanson, Paris, 1654. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche and another cartouche with the scale of map. 41:53,5 cm.
"Burgos". A panoramatic view of the city. Copperplate by M. Merian (1593-1650), published ca. 1640. 19:31 cm (7 1/2 x 13 inch.).
"Baia de Cadis". Copper-engraving by P. Bertius published by J. Hondius, 1616-18. With a ship and a sea-creature. 9,2:12,8 cm.
Portugal. "Portugallia". Orig. copper-engraving, P. Bertius. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, 1616-18. With small ornamental cartouche and Latin title above the map. 9,3:13,2 cm.
Portugal. "Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, novissima et exactissima descriptio. 1590". Orig. copperplate engraving after V. A. Secco's map of Portugal. From: M. Quad. 'Europae Totius Terrarum Orbis ...'. Published by J. Bussemacher in Cologne, 1594. 18,5:26,5 cm.