Canton of Valais
Switzerland. "Helvetia cum finitimis regionibus confoederatis". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Mercator, 1585. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche and another cartouche with the scale of map. 35:47 cm.
Jost Amman. "Foemina Honesta Genevensis. Ein Weib von Genff". Orig. woodcut, J. Amman from the first edition of his work 'Habitus praecipuorum populorum ...'. Published by H. Weigel in Nuremberg, 1577. 24:17 cm.
Northwestern Lombardy and Canton of Valais (Switzerland). "Lombardiae Alpestris pars occidentalis cum Valesia". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Mercator, Duisburg, 1589. Orig old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche. 35,5:45 cm.
Bern. "Berna. Bern". Orig. copperplate engraving. Engraved by J. G. Ringle (also Ringlin) after F. B. Werner's drawing. Published by M. Engelbrecht in Augsburg, ca. 1740. Magnificent old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche, cartouche with a coat of arms and explanatory notes under the picture. 18,5:30 cm.
Central Europe. "Teutschland für die Reysende". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Bodenehr, Augsburg, ca. 1710. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche. 16:23,5 cm.
Zürich. "Tigurum. Zürych". Orig. copperplate engraving, M. Merian, 1642. With engraved Lat.-Ger. title, a great coat of arms and a cartouche with explanatory notes (A.-Z. and 4 symbols). 27:35 cm.
Eglisau. "Eglißaw". Orig. copperplate engraving from D. Meisner's 'Sciagraphia Cosmica, Oder ...'. Published by P. Fürstens in Nürnberg, 1678. 10:15 cm.
Geneva. "Geneve. Genff". Orig. copperplate engraving. Engraved by J. G. Ringle (also Ringlin) after F. B. Werner's drawing. Published by M. Engelbrecht in Augsburg, ca. 1740. Magnificent old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche, cartouche with a coat of arms and explanatory notes under the picture. 18,5:30 cm.
Schaffhausen. "Scaphusia. Schaffhausen". Orig. copperplate engraving. Engraved by J. G. Ringle (also Ringlin) after F. B. Werner's drawing. Published by M. Engelbrecht in Augsburg, ca. 1740. Magnificent old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche, cartouche with a coat of arms and explanatory notes under the picture. 18,5:30 cm.
Switzerland. "Neue Karte von der Schweiz oder Helvetien". Orig. copper engraving, F. A. Schraembl, Vienna, 1789 after W. Faden 1778 map. Orig. old colouring. With decorative title cartouche, another cartouche with administrative divisions of Switzerland, a view of Chamonix Valley and a cartouche with Alpine cross-section. 61,5:83,5 cm.
Canton of Basel. "Pagi Basileensis, qui pars esr republicae Helvetiorum cum adjacentibus terrarum tractibus nova eaque accurata mappa geographica". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Augsburg by M. Seutter, ca. 1750. Engraved by T. C. Lotter. Orig. old colouring. With...
Switzerland. "Les Suisses divisées En ses Treize Cantons et Leurs Alliés". Orig. copper-engraving, Robert de Vaugondy, Venice, 1800. Orig. old colouring. With decorative title cartouche and the scale of map. 58:64 cm.
Canton of Zürich. "Delineatio Pagi Tigurini ex observantionibus recentimis et accuratissimis. Accedit seorsim in tabella Dominium Sax et Forsteck". Orig. copper-engraving, M. Seutter, Augsburg, ca. 1730. Engraved by T. C. Lotter. Orig. old colouring. 50:58,5 cm.
"Argow". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map ("Miliare Helveticum comm.") and German title ("Von Argow") above the map....
"Zurichou". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map ("Miliare Helveticum com.") and German title ("Von Zvrchgow") above the map....
Switzerland. "Helvetia". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche and another cartouche with the scale of map ("Miliaria heluetica...
"Carte de la Principauté de Naufchatel et Valangin". Orig. copper-engraving, P. de la Feille. Published by D. de la Feuille, Amsterdam, 1706. With decorative title-cartouche with 19 coats-of-arms, a cartouche with a view of the city of...
Southwestern Switzerland. "Das Wiflispurgergou". Orig. copperplate engraving, J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, the scale of map ("Miliar Helveticum Commune") and German title ("Von Wiflisburger Gow.") above the map. 14,5:18,5 cm (5 3/4 x 7...
"Argou". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1608. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map (""Milliare Helveticu comu.") and French title ("Argow")...
"Zurichou". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1608. With ornamental title-cartouche, another cartouche with the scale of map ("Miliare Helveticum Com.") and...
Switzerland. "Helvetia". Orig. copper-engraving from the Latin edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome. Published by J. B. Vrients in Antwerp, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche, the scale of map ("Scala milliarium") and Latin title above the map....
"Geneve". Orig. copper-engraving. Published in Paris by N. de Fer, ca. 1690. With ornamental title-cartouche, another 2 decorative cartouches and the scale of map ("Eschelle"). 20,5:28,5 cm (8 x 11 1/4 inch.).
Switzerland. "Helvetia Schweytzerlant". Orig. copper-engraving, G. Botero. Publ. in Cologne, 1596. With ornamental title-cartouche and the scale of map ("Milliaria Helvetica communia"). 19,5:27 cm (7 3/4 x 10 3/4 inch.).
"Das Wiflispurgergou". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas minor. Published by J. Hondius, 1607. With ornamental title cartouche. 14:18,5 cm (5 1/2 x 7 1/4 inch.).
Switzerland. "Die erste tafel des Rheinstromb / in der vergriffen wirt die Eidgenoschafft / das Elsass und Brisgoew". Orig. woodcut, S. Münster, ca. 1550. With the title at the top. 27:34,5 cm (10 1/2 x 13 3/4 inch.).
"Bienna. Biel". Orig. copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), Augsburg, 1712. With engraved titel with a coat-of-arms, 2 figures in the foreground, city of Nidau in the background and notes on the sides. 15:37,5 cm (6 x 14 3/4 inch.).
Switzerland. "Helvetiae moderna descriptio". Orig. woodcut by S. Münster. Published by H. Petri in Basle, ca. 1550. With Latin heading title. 25,5:35 cm (10 x 13 3/4 inch.).
"Argow cum parte merid. Zvrichgow". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map. Published by P. Schenk and G. Valk in Amsterdam, ca. 1690. Original old colouiring. With decorative title-cartouche. 38:49 cm (15 x 19 1/4 inch.).
"Bern in der Eydtgnoszschafft / an dem Wasser Aar gelegen / figuriert nach ihrer Gelegenheit". Orig. woodcut by S. Munster from German edition of his Cosmographia, Basel: Henric Petri, ca.1580. With great coat-of-arms in decorative border with...
"Canton Solothurn sive pagus Helvetiae Solodurensis". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Walser's map of the region. Published by Homann Heirs, 1766. Original old colouring. With ornamental title-cartouche and another ornamental cartouche with...
Canton of Fribourg. "Canton Freiburg sive pagus Helvetiae Friburgensis". Orig. copperplate engraving after G. Walser's map of the region. Published by Homann Heirs in Nuremberg, 1767. Original old colouring. 47:57 cm.
"Rapperswyl". View of the city Rapperswil near by Lake of Zürich. Copper-engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), printed ca. 1720. With 3 coat-of-arms and explanatory notes by the sides. 15:29,5 cm (6 x 11 1/2 inch.).
"Geneve Genff". View of the city. Copper plate engraving by G. Bodenehr (1664-1758), printed ca. 1710. With small coat-of-arms and explanations. 14,5:40,5 cm.
"Argow". Copper-engraving by P. Bertius published by J. Hondius, 1616-18. With small ornamental cartouche and "Miliare Helvet". 9,5:13,2 cm.
"Wiflispurgergow". Copper-engraving by P. Bertius published by J. Hondius, 1616-18. With small ornamental cartouche and "Mill. Helvetica". 9,5:13,5 cm.