Mittelmeer. "Pascaarte van`t Oostelyckste deel vande Middelandsche Zee. Tabula hydrographica de partibus Orientalioribus Maris Mediterranei". Orig. copperplate engraving published by J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1650. Original old colouring. 42:54,5 cm.
Achtung: Letzte verfügbare Teile!
Janssonius, Johannes
Mittelmeer. "Pascaarte van`t Oostelyckste deel vande Middelandsche Zee. Tabula hydrographica de partibus Orientalioribus Maris Mediterranei". Orig. copperplate engraving published by J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1650. Original old colouring. With figure title cartouche, ornamental cartouche with the scale of map and two tables with names of small islands of Eastern Mediterranean. 42:54,5 cm.
Koeman I, map 0302:1A, ed. 1:426 (1650 German). - Seekarte von dem östlichen Teil Mittelmeers.