Inseln Anglesey, Wight, Jarsey, Guernesey. "Anglesey Ins."; "Wight ol. Vectis"; "Ins. Garnesey"; "Ins. Iarsey". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. 12,5:17 cm.
"Anglesey Ins."- "Wight ol. Vectis"- "Ins. Garnesay"- "Ins. Iarsay". Orig. copper-engraving, P. Bertius, 1616. Published by J. Hondius Jr. in Amsterdam, 1616/18. With lat. title above the maps ("Tab. VII. Angliae, in qua Insulae &c."), 4...
Jost Amman. "Nobilis Virgo ex Anglia. Ein Edle Jungfraw auß Engellandt". Orig. Holzschnitt, J. Amman aus seinem 'Habitus praecipuorum populorum ...'. Bei H. Weigel in Nürnberg, 1577. 22:17 cm.
"Anglesey"- "Wight ol: Vectis"- "Garnesay"- "Iarsay". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. With 4 ornamental title-cartouches, 4 scales of maps and a heading title above the map...
England. "Anglia". Orig. copper-engraving from the French edition of A. Ortelius' Epitome, published in Antwerp by Plantin Press for F. Galle, 1598. With title-cartouche with the scale of map ("Mill. Anglicana") and Latin title above the map. 8:11 cm.
"Anglia". Copper-engraving after P. Bertius engraved by S. Rogiers published by J. Hondius, 1616-18. With small ornamental cartouche and "Miliaria Anglica". 9,5:13,3 cm.
"Holy Iland - Garnesey - Farne - Iarsey". Orig. copper-engraving, J. Janssonius, ca. 1646. Original old coloring. Four maps (19:24,5 cm each) printed from one plate. Each of them with 2 figure cartouches, windrose and ships. 41:51 cm.