Gerhard Mercator (5. März 1512 in Rupelmonde, Belgien - 1594 in Duisburg, Deutschland) war ein Geograph und Kartograf, der schon zu Lebzeiten als der Ptolemäus seiner Zeit angesehen wurde und bis in die arabisch-islamische Welt berühmt war. Heute vorwiegend als Kartograf und Globenhersteller bekannt, war Mercator im 16. Jahrhundert auch als Kosmograf, Theologe und Philosoph von großer Bedeutung und setzte Maßstäbe als Schriftkünstler.
Ostafrika."Abissinorum Regnum". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J. Jansz., 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map ("Milliaria Germanica")....
Zentralafrika. "Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis Imperium". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Engraved by P. Kaerius. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map. 13,5:19,5 cm.
Mittelitalien. "Abruzzo et Terra di Lavoro". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator-Hondius Atlas. Published in Amsterdam by H. Hondius, 1630. With ornamental title cartouche and a cartouche with the scale of map. 35,5:48,5 cm.
"Abruzzo et Terra di Lovoro". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1607.
Brasilien."Accuratissima Brasiliae Tabula". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Engraved by P. Kaerius (van den Keere), published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, a wind-rose and German...
Ägypten. "Aegyptus". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J, Jansz., 1607. With ornamental title-cartouche and another ornamental cartouche with the scale of map. 15:19 cm.
Östliches Mittelmeer. "Aeneae Troiani Navigatio". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1608. With ornamental title cartouche. 15:19 cm.
Afrika. "Africae Descriptio". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title cartouche. 15:19,5 cm.
Nordwestafrika. "Africae I. Tab:". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Mercator after Ptolemaus' map of the region. Published by G. von Kempen in Cologne, 1578. Original old colouring. 32,5:46,5 cm.
Südamerika."America Meridionalis". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Engraved by P. Kaerius (van den Keere), published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, a wind-rose and German...
Amerika. "Americae Descrip.". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title cartouche with the scale of map. 15:19,5 cm.
Inseln Anglesey, Wight, Jarsey, Guernesey. "Anglesey Ins."; "Wight ol. Vectis"; "Ins. Garnesey"; "Ins. Iarsey". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. 12,5:17 cm.
Anglesey, Wight, Jarsey, Guernesey. "Anglesey" - "Wight ol: Vectis" - "Garnesay" - "Iarsay". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. 14:20 cm.
Antwerpen. "Marchionatus Sacri Imperii". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, German title above the map ("Von Antorf.") and another cartouche with...
"Argou". Orig. Kupf.-Kte. aus Mercators Atlas Minor. Bei J. Hondius, C. Claesz. und J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1608. Mit dekorative Titelkart mit Meillenanzeiger ("Milliare Helveticu comu.") und fr. Titel ("Argow") oben.. 14,5:19,5 cm.
"Argow". Orig. Kupf.-Kte. aus G. Mercators Atlas Minor. Bei J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648. Mit dekorative Titelkart mit Meillenanzeiger ("Miliare Helveticum comm.") und dt. Titel ("Von Argow") oben. 14,5:19 cm.
"Argow cum parte merid. Zvrichgow". Altkol. Kupf.-Kte. nach G. Mercator, bei G. Valk und P. Schenk in Amsterdam, ca. 1690. Mit. dekorative Titelkart. 38:49 cm.
"Artesia". Orig. Kupf.-Kte. aus Mercators Atlas Minor. Bei J. Hondius, C. Claesz. und J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1608. Mit dekorative Titelkart und Kart. mit Meillenanzeiger ("Miliaria Germanica") und fr. Titel ("Le Comté d'Artoys") oben. 13,5:18 cm.
Nordafrika. "Barbaria". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1630. 14:18,5 cm.
Nordafrika. "Barbaria". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. 14,5:19 cm.
"Biscaia et Legio". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1607. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornamental cartouche with the scale of map ("Leucae...
"Brabantia. Le Duche de Brabant". Kupf.-Kte. nach G. Mercator bei J. Hondius, 1609. Mit ornament. Titelkart. mit "Milliar. Germanica" und fr. Kopftitel. 15:19,5 cm.
Brescia und Mailand. "Brescia Episcopatus, Mediolanum Ducatus". Orig. coppreplate engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map ("Miliaria Italica communia"). 37:47,5 cm.
Brescia und Mailand. "Brescia Episcopatus, Mediolanum Ducatus". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Mercator, Duisburg, 1589. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map ("Miliaria Italica communia"). 37:47,5 cm.
"Burgundia Comitatus". Orig. Kupf.-Kte. aus Mercators Atlas Minor. Bei J. Hondius, C. Claesz. und J. Jansz. in Amsterdam, 1608. Mit dekorative Titelkart und Kart. mit Meillenanzeiger ("Milliaria Burgundiae") und fr. Titel ("Le Comté de...
Kreta und andere griechische Inseln. "Candia cum Insulis aliquot circa Graeciam". Orig., altkol. Kupferstich Karte, G. Mercator, 1589. Mit. ornament. Tietlkart., Kart. mit Meilenanzeiger und 6 Nebenkarten. 34:47,5 cm.
Kreta und die Inseln des Ägäischen Meeres."Candia, Corfu, Zante, Milo, Nicsia, Santorini, Scarpanto". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With German title above the map ("Von...
Kreta und die Ägäischen Inseln."Candia, Corfu, Zante, Milo, Nicsia, Santorini, Scarpanto". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With German title above the map ("Von Candia,...
Kreta und die Ägäischen Inseln."Candia, I. Corfu, Zante, Milo, Nicsia, Scarpanto". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, 1609. With French title above the map ("Crete, ou Candie"), 5...
Kreta und die Ägäischen Inseln."Candia, I. Corfu, Zante, Milo, Nicsia, Scarpanto". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, 1609. With French title above the map ("Crete, ou Candie"), 5...
"Castilia Vetus et Nova". Orig. copper-engraving from Meractor's Atlas Minor published by J. Hondius (with C. Claessius and J. Janssonius) in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornament. cartouche with "Miliaria Germanica....
Kastilien. "Castiliae Veteris et Nova descriptio. Anno 1606". Orig. copperplate engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region. Published by H. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1630. With ornamental title-cartouche with a coat-of-arms. 36:50 cm.
Ceylon."Ceilan insula". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, 1607. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map. 14,5:18,5 cm.
Ceylon."Ceilan insula". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, 1607. With ornamental title-cartouche with the scale of map. 14,5:18,5 cm.
"Comitatus Glatz". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's map of the region, engraved by P. van den Keere (Kaerius), published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, the scale of map ("Milliaria Germanica...
Herefordshire. "Comitatus Herefordiensis ... Kaerius Caela.". Orig. copperplate engraving, P. van den Keere from Mercator's Atlas Minor published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648. 15,5:21 cm.
"Comitatus Zutphaniensis". Copper-engraving published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, "Milliaria Germanica" in another cartouche and engraved German title ("Von Zvtphen") above the map. 15:20,5 cm.
Kongo (Westafrika). "Congi Regnum". Orig. copper-engraving from G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, C. Claesz. and J, Jansz., 1607. With ornamental title-cartouche and another ornamental cartouche with the scale of map. 14:17,5 cm.
"Cornub. Devonia, Somerset etc.". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius, 1609. With French heading-title ("Anglaterre"), great ornamental title-cartouche with a scale of map ("Miliaria Anglica")...
"Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus, Dorcestria, Wiltonia, Glocestria, Monumentha, Glamorgan, Caermarden, Penbrok, Breknoke, et Herfordia". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With engraved...
Südwestengland und Südwales. "Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus, Dorcestria ...". Orig. copperplate engraving, G. Mercator. Published in Duisburg by Mercator's heirs, 1595. Orig. old colouring. With ornamental title cartouche. 36,5:46,5 cm.
Antillen. "Cuba Insula"; "Hispaniola". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. Two main maps and 4 inset charts to the left: "Havana Portus"; "Iamaica"; "I. S. Ioannis"; "I. Margareta". 14,5:18,5 cm.
Antilles."Cuba Insula", "Hispaniola Insula". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's maps of the region. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. With 5 decorative cartouches. Two main maps (the map of Cuba with small inset map of...
Antilles."Cuba Insula", "Hispaniola Insula". Orig. copper-engraving after G. Mercator's maps of the region. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648-51. With 5 decorative cartouches. Two main maps (the map of Cuba with small inset map of...
"Cumbriae Comitatus Descriptio". Orig. copper-engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With engraved German heading-title ("Von Engelandt"), ornamental title-cartouche and another cartouche with the...
Zypern. "Cyprus". Orig. copperplate engraving from Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published by J. Hondius in Amsterdam, 1609. With ornamental title cartouche and 6 inset maps. 14:19 cm.
"Daniae Regnu.". Orig. copper-engraving from the Latin edition of G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Hondius with C. Claesz. and J. Jansz., 1607. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornamental cartouche with the scale of...
"Daniae Regnum". Orig. copper-engraving from the German edition of G. Mercator's Atlas Minor. Published in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius, 1648. With ornamental title-cartouche, another ornamental cartouche with the scale of map ("Miliaria...
"Das Wiflispurgergou". Orig. Kupf.-Kte. aus Mercators Atlas Minor. Bei J. Hondius, 1607. Mit ornament. Titelkart. 14:18,5 cm.
"De Heerlijckheijt van Over-Yssel Novissima descriptio". Copper-engraving by B. Schelper according to G. Mercator's map of the region. Published by J. Janssonius in Amsterdam, 1648-51. With ornamental title-cartouche, German title above the map...