Konstellationen. Doppelmayr. "Hemisphaerium Coeli Boreale". Orig. copper-engraving from J. G. Doppelmayr's Atlas Coelestis. Published by J. B. Homann in Nuremberg, ca. 1720. Orig. old colouring. A chart of the northern hemisphere constellations ...
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Homann, Joan Babtist
Konstellationen. Doppelmayr. "Hemisphaerium Coeli Boreale". Orig. copper-engraving from J. G. Doppelmayr's Atlas Coelestis. Published by J. B. Homann in Nuremberg, ca. 1720. Orig. old colouring. A charts of the northern hemisphere constellations, with decorative vignettes of the astronomical observatories (the Observatory of Tycho Brahe on the Island of Ven, Denmark, founded in 1576; the Paris Observatory founded 1667; the Nuremburg Observatory founded 1678 where Doppelmayr made his observations; and, the Observatory of Johann Hevelius, founded in Gdansk, Poland in 1650) in the corners. The tables along the sides identify and describe the constellations on the charts. 49:58,5 cm. A very decorative celestial chart of the Northern Hemisphere constellations.