Alte Landkarten und Stadtansichten


Terres Arctiqves - Alte Landkarte Vergrößern

Terres Arctiqves - Alte Landkarte


Nordpol (Arktis)."Terres Arctiques dites autrement Setemtrionales et Boreales". Original copper-engraving, P. Duval, 1661. Published in Paris by Duval, 1676. Orig. old colouring. 10:12,5 cm.

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Duval, Pierre

Duval, Pierre



Nordpol (Arktis)."Terres Arctiques dites autrement Setemtrionales et Boreales". Original copper-engraving, P. Duval, 1661. Published in Paris by Duval, 1676. Orig. old colouring. 10:12,5 cm.

Burden: The Mapping of North America, Nr. 363, state 2. - A miniature map of the North Pole. - Already at the beginning of the 18th century fitted to the thick paper.

Stichwörter: Alte Landkarte, Alte Landkarten, Antike Karten, Terres Arctiqves