Christoph Wilhelm Friedrich Hufeland (1762, Langensalza - 1836, Berlin) was a German physician, naturopath and writer. He became known as the most important medical practitioner of his time in Germany. He is also considered the founder of macrobiotics.
Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm (1762-1836). Macrobiotics. "Makrobiotik, oder die Kunst das menschliche Leben zu verlängern". Berlin, 1820. Dritte sehr vermehrte Auflage. 8vo. 384 S. OPapEinband.
Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm. "Ueber die wesentliche Vorzüge der Inoculation". Leipzig: G. J. Göschen, 1793. 8vo. (7), 390 S. Pp. Einb. a. d. Z. mit angekl. Rck. Titelschild.