

List of works by author Callot, Jacques

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items
  • Catalog No.: 22846
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques (1592-1635). "Salvatoris Beatae Mariae Virginis Sanctorum Apostolorum Icones A I. Callot Inventae, sculptae, et a Israele amico suo in lucem editae" (= "Les Grandes Apostres"). Paris: Israel Henriet, 1635. A set of 7 (of 16) orig. etchings. Each ca. 14,5:9,5 cm.

  • Catalog No.: 22844
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques. "Seven deadly sins" ("Les Septs Péchés Capitaux"). A set of six (of seven) orig. etchings, 1617-21. Published by I. Sivestre. Each ca. 7,5:6 cm.

  • Catalog No.: 16620
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques."Devastation d'un Monastere". Orig. copper-engraving, 1633 from "Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre" (Miseries of War). Signed in plate "Callot inv. et fec.". With French text under the picture. 8:18,5 cm (3 1/4 x 7 1/4 inch.).

  • Catalog No.: 16632
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques."Distribution des Recompenses". Orig. copper-engraving, 1633 from "Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre" (Miseries of War). Signed in plate "Callot fecit". With French text under the picture. 8,2:18,5 cm (3 1/4 x 7 1/4 inch.).

  • Catalog No.: 17295
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques."L'enrolement des troupes". Orig. copper-engraving, 1633 from "Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre" (Miseries of War). Signed in plate "Callot inv. et fec.". With French text under the picture. 8,1:18,6 cm (3 1/4 x 7 1/4 inch.).

  • Catalog No.: 16629
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques."Le Bucher". Orig. copper-engraving, 1633 from "Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre" (Miseries of War). Signed in plate "Callot inv. et fec.". With French text under the picture. 8,1:18,6 cm (3 1/4 x 7 1/4 inch.).

  • Catalog No.: 16617
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques."Le Pillage". Orig. copper-engraving, 1633 from "Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre" (Miseries of War). Signed in plate "Callot inv. et fec.". With French text under the picture. 8,2:18,5 cm (3 1/4 x 7 1/4 inch.).

  • Catalog No.: 16623
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques."Pillage et Incendie d'un Village". Orig. copper-engraving, 1633 from "Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre" (Miseries of War). Signed in plate "Callot inv. et fec.". With French text under the picture. 8,1:18,4 cm (3 1/4 x 7 1/4 inch.).

  • Catalog No.: 16626
    Callot, Jacques

    Callot, Jacques."Vol sur les Grandes Routes". Orig. copper-engraving, 1633 from "Les Grandes Miseres de la Guerre" (Miseries of War). Signed in plate "Callot inv. et fec.". With French text under the picture. 8,1:18,3 cm (3 1/4 x 7 1/4 inch.).

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items